These Tutorial's are my own ideas, written by Teri of TeriW's Tag Tutorials. Any resemblence to any other tutorial is purely coincidental. Please do not claim them as your own. If you want to share them with friends or in groups, please use the link to this site to direct them to my tut's. If you have any questions email me at teriwitt52@gmail.com.
Saturday, May 24, 2014
Rocker Chick-FTU
The tubes are included in the scrapkit, Rock Star,by Kittz Kreationz and
can be found here-
The mask I used is Vix_BigMask005 and you can download it and the font I used-
Heavy Heap- here:
Put the mask in your PSP Masks folder.
Install the font in your font folder.
(There are 2 ways in which this can be accomplished. The first is a simple one.
Just copy the font to the Font Directory located at C:\Windows\Fonts which will
install it for the system to use. The other method is to click on the font file
at its current location. It will then give you a screen that shows the font preview
and there you will see the button to install the font right at the top of the screen
toward the left side.)
Filter Used: (Optional-For The Text)
Eye Candy 4-Gradient Glow
This tag was created using PSP9, but can be easily done in any version.
1-File/New 800 by 800, Transparent
(We will resize later and your tag will look slightly different than mine
as I made mine bigger)
2-Open RS-25
Edit/Copy, Close original
Edit/Paste/Paste As New Layer
Image/Resize by 125%, Resize All Layers Unchecked
3-Effects/3D Effects/Drop Shadow
Vertical & Horizontal=3, Opacity=50, Blur=5, Color=Black
Repeat Drop Shadow but change the V & H to (minus) -3
4-Open Open RS-29
Edit/Copy, Close original
Edit/Paste/Paste As New Layer
Effects/3D Effects/Drop Shadow, using the same settings as in Step #3
With The Move Tool, position the musical notes to the bottom left of tag.
5-Open RS-33
Edit/Copy, Close original
Edit/Paste/Paste As New Layer
Image/Resize by 75%, Resize All layers Unchecked
With the Move Tool, position the drums to the right of the
musical notes, see my tag above for example
Effects/3D Effects/Drop Shadow, same settings as in Step #3.
6-Open RS-17
Edit/Copy, Close original
Edit/Paste/Paste As New Layer
With the Move Tool, position at the top left of tag.
Effects/3D Effects/Drop Shadow, same settings as in Step #3
7-Open RS-35
Edit/Copy, Close original
Edit/Paste/Paste As New Layer
With the Move Tool, position the tube near the center, up some.
See my tag above for an example.
Effects/3D Effects/Drop Shadow, same settings as in Step #3
8-Open RS-27
Edit/Copy, Close original
Edit/Paste/Paste As New Layer
With the Move Tool, position the keyboard not quite to the top of the
right side of tag. See my tag above for an example.
Layers/Arrange/Send To Bottom
Effects/3D Effects/Drop Shadow, same settings as in Step #3
9-Open RS-12
Edit/Copy, Close original
Highlight the top layer in the Layers Palette
Edit/Paste/Paste As New Layer
With the Move Tool, position at the top of your tag
Effects/3D Effects/Drop Shadow, same settings as in Step #3
10-Highlight the bottom layer in the Layers Palette
Layers/New Raster Layers
Layers/Arrange/Send To Bottom
11-In the Materials Palette, change the background color to #35201f
Using the Flood Fill Tool, fill this layer with your background color.
Effects/Texture Effects/Blinds, using these settings-
Width=10, Opacity=25, Color=White Horizontal=Unchecked
12-Layers/Load-Save Mask/Load Mask From Disk and locate the
Vix-BigMask005, and Load
Layers/Merge/Merge Group
13-Layers/Merge/Merge Visible
Image/Resize by 75%, Resize All layers Checked
(If you want your tag smaller, repeat this step again)
14-Layers/New Raster Layer
Click on the Text Tool, find the Heavy Heap Font, settings are:
Vector, Size=72, Stroke Width=4 Miter Limit=10, Warp Text=checked
15-In the Materials Palette, change the Foreground color to White
Click on your tag and type your name in the box and Click Apply
Layers/Convert To Raster Layer
With the Move Tool, position the text to your liking, you can see
my tag above for where I placed my name.
16-Efects/Plugins/Eye Candy 4000/Gradient Glow
Glow Width=9, Draw Only Outside Selection=Checked,
Thin, Color=#35201f
17-Effects/3D Effects/Drop Shadow, same settings as in Step #3
Add your copyrights and
Layers/Merge Visible
File/Export/PNG Optimizer/OK and save to your designate folder.
My Tag Tutorials