
Saturday, October 13, 2018


Supplies Needed-Open all in PSP
flower 4 
Frame 5
jack o' lantern
lil witch
paper 10
witch moon

Supplies Here-


Plugins Used-
Simple~Top Left Mirror

Foreground color= #f2e81e
Background color= #b11500

Step 1-
File~New 800 by 700, Transparent Checked
Selections~Select All
Open paper 10
Edit~Copy, Minimize for now
Edit~Paste~Paste Into Selection
Selections~Select None

Step 2-
Layers~New Raster Layer
Floodfill with the background color
Layers~New Mask Layer
mask95, Invert mask layer Unchecked
Layers~Merge~Merge Group

Step 3-
Open Frame 5
Edit~Copy, Close Original
Edit~Paste~Paste As New Layer
Image~Resize by 120%, Resize All Layers Unchecked
Effects~3D Effects~Drop Shadow

2, 2, 100, 5, Black

With the Move Tool, position to the right side of tag, see my example above

Step 4-
Open Jack o' lantern
Edit~Copy, Close Original
Edit~Paste~Paste As New Layer
With the Move Tool, position to the bottom left of tag
Effects~3D Effects~Drop Shadow, same settings as above

Step 5-
Open Witch moon
Edit~Copy, Close Original
Edit~Paste~Paste As New Layer
Image~Resize by 85%, Resize All Layers Unchecked
Effects~3D Effects~Drop Shadow, same as above
With the Move Tool, position to the left top side of tag, see my example above

Step 6-
Open lil Witch
Edit~Copy, Close Original
Edit~Paste~Paste As New Layer
Image~Resize by 115%
With the Move Tool, position to the lower right side
Effects~3D Effects~Drop Shadow, same settings as above

Step 7-
Layers~Merge~Merge All (Flatten)
Image~Add Borders~4, Background color
Image~Add Borders~4, Foreground color
Image~Add Borders~4, Background color

Step 8-
Selections~Select All
Image~Add Borders~45, Foreground color

Step 9-
Open paper 10
Edit~Copy, Close Orignal
Edit~Paste~Paste Into Selection
Effects~3D Effects~Drop Shadow, same settings as above

Step 10-
Open Flower 4
Edit~Paste~Paste As New Layer
Image~Resize by 25%, Resize All Layers Unchecked
With the Move Tool, position the Flower 4 to the top left corner, see
my tag above for example
Effects~3D Effects~Drop Shadow, same settings as above

Step 11-
Effects~Simple~Top Left Mirror
Image~Add Borders~4, Background color
Image~Resize by 60%, Resize All Layers Checked
Adjust~Sharpness~Unsharp Mask

10,30,10 Luminance only Unchecked

Step 12-
Layers~New Raster Layer-
Add your text and copyrights
Layers~Merge All Flatten
Export as JPG to your designated folder.

Thank you for doing my Tutorial.

And a special thank you to the Testers-


Supplies Needed-
Rainbow Fling Element (21)
Rainbow Fling Element (58)
Rainbow Fling Element (45)
Rainbow Fling Element (57)

Supplies here-


Plugins Used-
&< Background Designers sf10 II~ Daggers Done

Step 1-
Foreground color= #ffec95
Background color= #66b015
Change Background color to Gradient

Radial, 180, 5

File~New~800 X 700
Floodfill this with your background gradient

Step 2-
Effects~ICNet Software~Filters Unlimited 2.0~ &< Background Designers sf10 II~ Daggers Done

196, 76

Step 3-
Effects~Plugins ~Adjust~Variations:
Click once on Original, twice on More Green (or your choice of color) and twice on Darker

Midtones, Show Clipping Checked

Step 4-
Layers ~ New Raster Layer
Selection~Select all

Step 5-
Selections~Modify~Select Selection Borders:

Inside, Anti-alias, 5

Fill the selection with your background color.(#66b015)

Selections~Select None

Step 6-
Adjust~Sharpness~Unsharp Mask.

10, 30, 10

Effects~3D Effects~Drop Shadow: 
0, 0, 100, 35, Black

Layers~Merge All (Flatten)

Step 7-
Image~Add Borders

5, Symmetric checked, foreground color

Selections~Select All
Image~Add Borders 35,Symmetric Checked, Background color

Step 8-
Layers~New Raster Layer
Flood fill with your foreground color
Effects~Reflections Effects~Kaleidoscope

25, 25, 0, 0, 4, 0, 22, Reflect
Selections~Select None

Image~Add Borders~ 5, Symmetric Checked, Foreground color

Step 9-
Open DBV Rainbow Fling Element (21)
Edit~Copy, Close Original
Edit~Paste~Paste As New Layer
With the Move Tool, move the DBV Rainbow Fling Element (21) to the bottom left of tag,
See my tag above for example

Effects~3D Effects~Drop Shadow
4, 4, 100, 35, Black

Step 10-
OPen DBV Rainbow Fling Element (58)
Edit~Copy, Close Original
Edit~Paste~Paste As New Layer

With the Move Tool, positiong behind the candles tube,
see my tag above for example

Step 11-
Open DBV Rainbow Fling Element (57)
Edit~Copy, Close Original
Edit~Paste~Paste As New Layer

With the Move Tool, position to the top left of tag, see my example above

Layers~Merge~Merge Down
Effects~3D Effects~Drop Shadow
4, 4, 100, 35, Black

Highlight the background Layer

Step 12-
Open DBV_Rainbow Fling Element (45)
Edit~Copy, Close Original
Edit~Paste~Paste As New Layer

Highlight the Top Layer

Step 13-
Open Littlegirl
Edit~Copy, Close Original
Edit~Paste~Paste As New Layer
With the Move Tool, position the Littlegirl to the right side

Effects~3D Effects~Drop Shadow
4, 4, 100, 35, Black

Layers~Merge~Merge All (Flatten)

Step 14-
Image~Resize by 60%, Resize All Layers Checked

Adjust~Sharpness~Unsharp Mask

10,30, 10

Step 15-
Layers~New Raster Layer
Add your copyrights and Text and 
Layers~Merge~Merge All (Flatten)
Export as JPG to your designated folder

Thank you for doing my Tutorial

And a special Thank you to the Testers-